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Hobbies and Interests

My hobbies include Philadelphia sports, fishing, and charity work. Football is my favorite sport so I am an avid fan of the Philadelphia Eagles and I go to as many games as I can throughout the season. I also fish during the summer as a hobby that I picked up with my father and brother growing up and it something I still do to this day.  Lastly, charity work is a big part of my life.  I volunteer at Pegasus inc. where we give children with mental disabilities an opportunity to ride horses as a method of therapy.  I am a firm believer that giving back to the community is vital for our society .  This is something I am truly passionate about.

I also intern at the Philadelphia Free Library under the finance department. The Philadelphia Free Library is a nonprofit organization. I work under the staff accountant doing journal entries and finding discrepancies in bank statements. I perform multiple bank reconciliations, analyze Fine and Fee Income, and conduct bi-weekly payroll for all branches.

Here is a link to the Philadelphia Free Library.


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