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Interests & Activities


The Broad Street Baadshahz:

In Spring 2014, I joined a nationally recognized Bollywood Fusion dance team known as The Broad Street Baadshahz. I’ve always had a passion to dance since I was in high school, and joining a team of this caliber was an accomplishment in itself. We practice every night for 4-6 hours, and practice really does pay off because this season we came home with a 3rd and 2nd place trophy. Joining this team also helped me enhance my time management skills, and gave me a great sense of responsibility. For our 2015-2016 season I am on E-Board for the team, and I hold the position of Vice President.

Global Brigades (Business):

Since spring 2014 I have held a position in Global Brigades: Business Chapter, and I am currently Vice President of this organization. This student organization is focused on the business related impact students can make by traveling to third-world countries like Panama, Honduras, and Ghana. We have weekly board meetings and monthly organization meetings in which we discuss the various business related solutions to issues in these third-world countries.





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