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The Three Most Important AD Qualities

Article: The Three Most Important AD Qualities

This was an interesting article that named three important qualities to have as a successful athletic director. These traits are organization, integrity, and communication. These are important to have in almost any business setting, but more specifically can be found in the sports industry.

How to Get a Job in Pro Sports

Article: How to Get a Job in Pro Sports

This article explains several of the best entry-level jobs in professional sports. Sometimes, what matters is understanding the little things before pursuing the bigger picture. It notes that customer service and sales positions are what put people in seats– attendance is a gigantic factor in sports business. Public relations is also referred to in the post. The point of this article is that there are a variety of entry-level job opportunities that can bolster experience for higher up positions in the sports industry.

How to Land Your Dream Job in Sports

Article: Jobs in Sports Administration: How to Land Your Dream Job in Sports

There are a number of different opportunities that can be found in sports– specifically sports administration. My goal of athletic director is found within the list, but this article certainly opens eyes about numerous others. There’s a tremendous quote that puts in perspective the way of going about attaining one’s career goals:

“Jobs in sports administration are definitely attainable, but only if you put yourself in the best possible position to advance your career.”


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