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Health Communication Intern for Programming

Information about the Organization:

I work as the Health Communication Intern for Programming at Temple University Student Health Services (TUSHS). TUSHS is an integral part of Temple University, providing healthcare services to students. It operates within the Division of Temple Health and Well-being (THaW), contributing to the overall health and wellness of the student body.


Job Description:

In my role, I contribute to various aspects of our health communication efforts. I’m responsible for designing, implementing, and evaluating information on the student health webpage. Simultaneously, I play a crucial role in overseeing the lifecycle of our “Ask A Nurse” program implementation, from development to launch and evaluation. Additionally, I actively shape and execute our social media-based health initiatives. This involves conducting in-depth research on health-related topics to inform our student body of resources.


Examples of Projects:

  • Enhancing Social Media Presence: Developing and implementing strategies to enhance the social media presence of TUSHS, resulting in a significant increase in engagement and awareness among students.
  • “Ask A Nurse” Program: Currently engaged in web design and graphics for the “Ask A Nurse” program, actively contributing to the initiative’s visual identity and user interface. Additionally, involved in planning and logistics to ensure the smooth implementation of the program, fostering improved accessibility of healthcare information for students.
  • Wellness Resource Center Collaboration: Partnered with the Wellness Resource Center to create content for Fall Break, focusing on body positivity and mental health. This collaboration aimed to promote holistic well-being among students, contributing to a positive campus culture.


What I Learned and Its Relevance:

This internship has provided valuable insights into health communication, a critical component of my studies at Temple University. Through hands-on experience in developing and implementing health programs, I have refined my skills in program evaluation and strategic communication. My internship seamlessly connects with my minors and relevant courses I hope to take during my academic journey, contributing significantly to my understanding of the field.

As I continue my education, I aspire to pursue a career in healthcare administration. This experience has reinforced the importance of effective communication in advancing health initiatives, providing me with a solid foundation for my future professional endeavors in the dynamic field of healthcare.

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