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Interests & Hobbies

Brimming with an insatiable desire to learn more about the universe, I often spend my free time outdoors among nature, examining people, places, & things. Can’t find me out there? If not, chances are I’m either really well hidden or just sitting at my computer, reading a physics book or studying some esoteric facts that might help me gain a better understanding of life. –For anyone interested in the recent observation of gravitational waves by LIGO – An explanation for gravitational waves that I found to be exceptionally insightful: Imagine space as if it were water. Just as a fish swimming through the water creates ripples, so too do the planets, stars, galaxies, etc. whizzing through space. These ripples that they create are gravitational waves. After 100 years since Einstein theorized the waves, an observatory operated by Caltech and MIT was finally able to observe and record them. With the ability to pass through matter, who knows what incredible innovations and discoveries are to come following an even deeper understanding of gravity and gravitational waves?

Any fellow tech/space enthusiasts — I highly implore you to check out SpaceEngine.
Additionally, I advise you take a look into BOINC and identify any projects you might be interested in offering your help to.


As for my other hobbies. –I was always very competitive growing up, which led to me playing sports all year-round. I stopped playing sports in college and decided to start putting my time in at the gym instead. My mother made sure at a young age that I knew about forming a healthy diet with proper nutrition, and she taught me that physical activity is crucial in my everyday life. I am very into fitness and understanding the processes of the human body & mind. Simply by tuning in and becoming more aware, as well as maintaining a healthy lifestyle, we all can work to cultivate stronger and healthier minds.

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