Future Temple Fox MIS Alumni

Interests and Extracurricular Activities

When I am not working or attending the classroom environment, I tend to go out with some friends and play sports. I’m a physically active individual and love the outdoors along with the fresh air. Basketball, football, soccer along with any other sport that comes to mind is what I collectively enjoy doing outside of school. In addition, I swim and teach younger,willing children how to swim in my free time. I have been a private swimming instructor for about 4 years now and taught 6 people how to swim. My swimming students list in the ages of 70, 28, 8, two sevens year old and one 5 year old.

I enjoy jumping online and playing video games to fulfill my imagination. I mostly explore new games on video game consoles from developers like Sony, Nintendo and Microsoft. New technology and analyzing upcoming software applications on mobile devices is another interest of mine.  I enjoy listening to music most of the day, I feel that my music selection gives me a soundtrack to my life. I always wanted to pursue a career in music or video game console sales since these are the two aspects of my character I adapt to the most.

I’m very out going and considered a people’s person. I enjoy meeting new people and exchanging past experiences. I’m a enormous fan of interaction with other cultures. Music, culture and linguistics are some of the aspects I like to learn about an individual of a different racial background. Recently I have been able to meet people all around the world and I plan to continue this venture to international connections. Before attending Temple University I was fortunate enough to live in a Hostel, not knowing what this experience might bring. The hostel is where I met people from all over the world and will have connections internationally for the rest of my life. I’m very much interested in business news and paying attention to what big moves corporations such as Mc Donald’s or Microsoft are doing next for a competitive advantage or financial gain. Personally, I intend to read more frequently business news articles in my free time when I am not shoulders deep into my studies. I’m currently looking for an internship program that pertains to my major of Business Management.

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