Future Temple Fox MIS Alumni

Personal Life

My full name is Jhakil Wyatt Dominic Doyle. I am 22 years old, being born on September 21, 1991. I am the oldest of three siblings in which we are all exactly 7 years apart. My mother calls us the jackpot. I was born and raised in Los Angeles, California though I moved around Los Angeles County all the way up until my last year of high school. Los Angeles is a city full of high traffic and a continuously moving environment. Slowly learning how to establish connections with new people all through out my life. I attended about 7 elementary schools, two middle schools (one private) and fortunately one high school. Animo South Los Angeles Charter High School is where I graduated from in June 2009.

In high school I played basketball, was apart of the Black Student Union, and the honors Mathematics. During my high school career, as a class we went on a college tour to the east coast visiting Boston, Philadelphia and New York. This is where I met Temple University and since then I have been trying to come back to Philadelphia.  Before Temple University I attended two other colleges, one being California State University of Fullerton and the second being West Los Angeles College. Determined and dedicated I returned to Temple fortunate enough to be accepted to attend Temple University after 3 years of struggling and hard work.

Here is where I plan to obtain my BBA by 2016 and go forth with my career in Business Management Information Systems. I teach private swimming lessons for all ages above 4 years old ready to learn. When I’m not in the pool teaching private swimming lessons, I am teaching soccer at a local elementary school in Los Angeles. Primarily, I work at The City of Los Angeles at The Expo Center where my position title is Pool Clerk. I intend to continue working at the Expo Center during each summer until I graduate, additionally this is where I gained most of my people skills, work experience and customer service from.

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