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Financial Plan

Profit and Loss
Revenue: Year  1 Year 2 Year 3
Premium Subscription  $517,500.00  $1,552,500.00  $2,070,000.00
Plus Subscription  $448,500.00  $1,345,500.00  $2,691,000.00
Total Revenue:  $966,000.00  $2,898,000.00  $4,761,000.00
Counselors  $600,000.00  $900,000.00  $1,200,000.00
Development  $50,000.00  $20,000.00  $10,000.00
Hosting  $200.00  $200.00  $200.00
Domain Name  $20.00  $20.00  $20.00
Skype Fees  $10,000.00  $20,000.00  $30,000.00
Legal Fees  $5,000.00  $5,000.00  $5,000.00
Tutors  $5,175.00  $155,250.00  $621,000.00
Management  $400,000.00  $400,000.00  $400,000.00
Salesman  $250,000.00  $400,000.00  $500,000.00
Total Expenses:  $1,320,395.00  $1,900,470.00  $2,766,220.00
Net Income  $(354,395.00)  $997,530.00  $1,994,780.00
Net Income after Taxes  $(315,411.55)  $887,801.70  $1,775,354.20
Year 1: 5% market penetration
Year 2: 15% market penetration
Year 3: 30% market penetration
Assume 11% tax
Standard Subscription = 25%
Premium Subscription=45%
Plus Subscription=30%
2.3 million students attend college a year
Philadelphia is 1%
Tutors are paid 15$ an hour

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