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Project Charter

MIS 4596 TEAM 4

Project Charter


Project Title DreamBIG Product/Process Impacted  College Application Process
Start Date 2/7/2014 Organization/Department Temple University MIS Department
Target Completion Date 4/30/2014 Champion TBA





1.  Project Description   What problem is the team addressing? What problems do customers have?

High school students need to be more well-informed of the college admissions process and receive personal attention as soon as  they start 9th grade. Students do not know what it takes to get into their dream school until it is too late. Guidance counselors are typically responsible for seeing 200 to 300 students per. Students do not receive enough personal attention about the college prep process. Also, finding low-cost tutors is another problem.


2.  Project Scope   What areas are inside and/or outside the work of the team? What are the boundaries (start and end points)? What specific parts of the overall problem will you focus on?


Boundaries- HS students (grades 9-12th)


We are focusing on giving the students more personalized attention and provide them with the advice and tools they need to get into their dream school. We are linking academic performance to realistic college choices. We are going to create an application that tracks and monitors student’s grades and extracurricular activities. The website will then show the student what school they are on pace to get into and how they measure up against getting into their dream school. The student will receive personalized feedback on what they need to improve on for example if the student lacks volunteer activities, we would recommend volunteer events going on in their area.


  1. Project Goal and Deliverables

What must the team deliver to be successful? Does the team goal link to the key performance parameters established by the sector leadership teams? What is the baseline performance? How will the goal be measured?


Business requirements, website, and connection with tutors


(propose specific metrics for your project, e.g., cost reduction, time reduction, customer satisfaction, etc.)









      Users must believe that our product is effective in order for our company to become profitable. Users may questions the concept of on-line counseling.    

User Acceptance



Reach 1,000 active users in year 1


      Our sales growth must continue to increase in order to attract investors and continue to grow the compnay and pay for our overhead.    

Sales Growth



Reach $500,000 in sales in two years


      Users must achieve results by using our product. If this does not improve student academic performance or streamline the college application process we will not be successful.    

Grades Improvement

20 %


Increase student grades by one letter grade


     Our users must be active. They must continue to use our product inorder to achieve an increase in active user growth over a few year time period.    

Active User Growth



Increase by 40% annually


4. Business Results Expected


  Create a website that tracks and monitors students grades so they can receive personalized feedback and tools on how to improve their chances of getting in to their dream college.  
5.  Team members   Who is this team accountable to? Who is your champion? Who is on this team? What are the specific skills/roles of each team member?  Who can the team turn to for expert guidance?

The team is accountable to Professor Hohne


Team consists of:

Joe Nespoli– Financials, Design, Business Model, Idea champion

Jason Lee- Design, JustinMind

Dave Dupell- Financials, Design, Revenue streams

Patrick Cantelmi– JustinMind, Design, Marketing

Kayla Shaffer- JustinMind, Database Management, Marketing


Expert guidance– Our mentor and the MIS department


6.  Support Required and risks   What additional resources does the team need? What obstacles does the team see, and how can they be resolved?

Low-cost tutors for the HS students, Site administrator, Developer, Domain and Hosting costs, Access to college rankings, lawyer and patent fees


Obstacles- Students not inputting accurate grades, creating a database of schools


Resolved-Students must upload a picture of their report card (or student/parent gets discount if they upload report card), get school rankings from a 3rd party site like US news


7.  Customer Benefits   How will this project help the customer of the organization? Could improvements have a negative impact on the customer?


The website would streamline the college application process and provide guidance to young applicants. This site would encourage early college planning and send reminders of application deadlines to students and parents. The site will consider student academic performance and other criteria and provide the best college options to the student. Currently, the market does not offer a site that links academic performance and the college selection process. Also, our competitors fail to provide accurate information about college rankings and what corporations recruit from specific schools. We are college students that have been in the shoes of our customers and our site will capture the whole picture of the college selection process.


Our site will could not negatively impact the customer. Our site will keep our customers well informed so they can choose the best school to attend.


8.  Technology Architecture   What are the specific tools/technologies you will be using?  What is the experience of team members with these tools?


JustinMind prototyper

Lean Canvas

Website creation



9.  Overall schedule/Work Breakdown Structure  (Key milestones & dates)




Output (notes, diagrams, interviews, screen prints) Date started if in progress

Or Expected completion date

Date completed or date completion is expected




Joe Nespoli Interviews In Progress


Not Completed





Dave Dupell Research In Progress


Not Completed





Dave Dupell

Joe Nespoli

Diagrams Not Started


Not Completed


Implementation: Construction



Jason Lee

Patrick Cantelmi

Kayla Schaffer

Prototype Not Started


Not Completed


Implementation: Testing



Jason Lee

Patrick Cantelmi

Kayla Schaffer

User Acceptance Testing Not Started


Not Completed





Jason Lee

Patrick Cantelmi

Kayla Schaffer

Prototype Not Started


Not Completed



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