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Survey Monkey Results

DreamBIG Market Research:

Survey Results: (Out of 120 Responses)

  • At what point in your high school career did you start looking up colleges?
    • Freshmen                   7%
    • Sophomore                22%
    • Junior                         58%
    • Senior                         13%


  • Do you feel that guidance counselors where helpful in the college application process?
    • Yes                  44%
    • No                   56%


  • Who else has helped you with your application process?
    • Parents           80.61%
    • Siblings           29.59%
    • Friends           54.08%
    • Teachers        43.88%
    • Other              9.18%
      • Myself
      • Other guidance counselors
      • Family


  • Who has helped most with your applications
    • Parents                       55%
    • Siblings                       8%
    • Other relatives          6%
    • Friends                       3%
    • Teachers                    8%
    • Counselors                 7%
    • Myself                         14%


  • Did you get into the college of your choice?
    • Yes      54.76%
    • No       45.24%
    • If no, why?
      • Wanted to go to Harvard ended up at Temple
      • The application was very likely not strong enough
      • It was Princeton and I’m pretty sure they don’t actually enroll anyone
      • Grades
      • SATs
      • Second choice but good enough, right?
      • Love temple but MIT
      • I suppose my application was lacking
      • SAT scores and did not declare a major
      • I wanted to go to different school but settled for Temple
      • Grades
      • Grades
      • Low sat scores


  • If not, how can they improve?
    • Give more help
    • By not discouraging your choices of schools to apply to and spend more time with students to see where they stand currently in high school
    • By not discouraging your choices of schools to apply to and spend more time with students to see where they stand currently in high school
    • By not discouraging your choices of schools to apply to and spend more time with students to see where they stand currently in high school
    • They can be more proactive in helping students figure out what they want to do with their lives
    • Be more interactive. Establish a personal relationship
    • They could actually try to care
    • Help provide a list of schools for students
    • Actually wasn’t to interested in college so i am not sure.
    • My counselor didn’t stress the importance of thinking about majors early on during college
    • Meet sooner
    • Actually doing their jobs. Guy told me if I applied to UT Austin I might as well apply to Harvard. Then he told me to go to community college
    • More personalized experience one on one help
    • Guidance counselors need to know more about which colleges are a best fit for a student’s desired major.
    • At my school guidance counselors focused more on the drama going around than on getting kids ready to apply for schools
    • They can start by showing you how to apply before the process starts.
    • Encourage us to apply to more schools
    • Care about every student not just one the smart ones
    • Make a point to have at least 1 personal meeting each semester.
    • Explain different major options
    • Be more hands on.
    • Actually care about their student’s futures
    • Well, my counselor told me that I should go to a school less challenging for me and the person no longer works there.
    • Make kids start looking at an earlier age and stress the importance of gpa, Sats and availability of scholarships
    • A little more guidance on what schools to apply for in order to best match your career interests
    • There needs to be more of them- they don’t have enough time to get to all students adequately
    • By reaching out and making an effort to help rather than just doing the bare minimum.
    • Felt as though they had a select list of schools they wanted me to apply to
    • They didn’t provide any guidance as to where I should or shouldn’t go to. They just sent out my transcripts.
    • See too many students. not personalized service
    • One on one meetings once a year
    • Discuss which colleges would be a good choice based on academics and future goals/career path
    • In my experience they seemed to actually care very little
    • Recommend schools that fit our need
    • They could be more readily available


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