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Creative Developer

Ed Cahan is a family friend of mine who owns a structural engineering company called Structured LLC. In April of this year I had gotten to talking with him about a website for his business. I wanted to wait until the semester finished up before starting. Within a few weeks of ideating and after creating a proposal for him, we had agreed on a project scope, timeline, and cost. Website link:

Before this site, he had virtually no online presence. The only thing he had were a few logo renderings. My objective was to build him a landing page for his company from scratch. I redesigned his logo using Canva and built him a custom brand kit. I then collected a list of addresses of the projects that he wanted to display on the website. His company does more than just structural engineering, so some of the projects to be displayed were renderings. I rented a camera and drove around the city to shoot photos for all of his standing projects. After organizing all of the info that would be displayed on the website, I wrote up the copy for each of his services and his about section. I interviewed him on Zoom to get an idea of what each service entailed and then took to editing from there. From there, all that was left to do was build him a beautiful and responsive website. I used the WordPress platform and Elementor page builder which I have a few years of experience with. The project took about 14 weeks to complete. I delivered it on the morning of August 28th. I definitely learned to manage my time better this summer, albeit there were a few timeline road bumps. Through this project, I stepped a little out of my comfort zone. The two main skills that I learned were photo editing and adjustment and copywriting. I have taken a bunch of photos on my phone before, but I had never used a real camera. For this project, I rented a Canon EOS 90D. Within a few days of messing around with it I figured out how to format the settings the photos I was looking for. After capturing them, I touched them up using Adobe Illustrator. I was able to tweak the lighting and make the photos primed for the text overlays that they would receive. This was also my first time doing solo copywriting. I wrote down what he told me and then added in some more details and filler with Grammarly. That was not the most enjoyable part of the project if I am being honest. I did have fun testing out different formats for displaying the projects, though. The final version is very different from the original. The final site serves as a landing page for Structured LLC, offers visitors a clean viewing experience of Ed’s projects no matter what device they are using, and gives them the ability to contact him through a newly created email for the business.

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