Community Platform
  • Accounting information systems (AIS)
  • Business Intelligence (BI)
  • Business process analysis
  • Data analytics
  • more...
This Year
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Enterprise IT Architecture

  • Explain and assess information technology such as computer hardware, software, systems, and networking.
  • Identify management, usage, security, and consumer issues related to Amazon Web Services.
  • Learn about new computing platforms and how they create business value.

Data Analytics 

  • Analyzed data and learned how to present insights from business data.
  • Created data models and data warehouses based on business rules.
  • Learned how to operate and manage a database system and structured query language (SQL).
  • Sourced traditional and new data types and apply data mining and visualization using Tableau and RStudio to generate business intelligence.

Data-Centric Application Development

  • Developed web-based data-centric applications using high-level programming languages such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
  • Used debugging techniques to identify errors and make improvements.
  • Interpreted system requirement specifications and explain technical components including the use of systems development lifecycles in creating software applications.

Information Systems in Organizations

  • Identified and explained management information systems applications including customer relationship management systems, enterprise systems, e-commerce applications, transaction processing systems, business analytics, and emerging technologies.
  • Evaluated the organizational fit and suitability of business applications and interpreted the interaction between information technology, customers, processes, data, infrastructure, participants, and the environment in an organization.
  • Studied the ethical challenges of information technology and explained the evolving role of management information systems in the organization, and the role and careers of MIS professionals.


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