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Academic History

During my studies at Temple University I had many interesting classes. I transferred from Berkeley College in the Spring of 2012 and have since achieved a GPA of  3.56. Below are some of the classes I have taken at Temple.


       SPRING 2012   3.48 GPA
       ECON 1102     3.0 B      Microeconomic Principles
       ENG  0802     4.0 A-     Analytical Reading & Writing
       LAS  0833     3.0 A      Race & Poverty in the America
       MKTG 2101     3.0 B+     Marketing  Management
       STAT 1001     3.0 B+     Pre-Calculus for Business

       FALL 2012     3.72 GPA   Dean's List
       ACCT 2101     3.0 A-     Financial Accounting
       CIS  0835     3.0 A      Cyberspace & Society
       ECON 3563     3.0 B+     International Trade
       IB   3101     3.0 A-     Fund of Intl Business
       IH   0851     3.0 A      Mosaic: Humanities Seminar I
       STAT 1102     3.0 A-     Calculus for Business

       SPRING 2013  3.45 GPA
       ENVT 0845     3.0 A-     The Environment
       FIN  3101     3.0 A      Financial Management
       FREN 1001     4.0 B+     Intro to French I
       SOC  0861     3.0 B      Urban Dynamics
       STAT 2104     1.0 B      Select Topics Statistics


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