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  1. Information about the organization (e.g., type, size, location, specific division/department in which you will be employed)
    1. I am going to be working at Deloitte Consulting within their Government and Public Services practice as a solutions engineering analyst. Deloitte is a very large organization and I will be at their Arlington, VA office.
  2. Job function (e.g., overall role, assigned tasks)
    1. As an analyst, I will be working on Deloitte’s projects for government and public services clients. The day-to-day work will vary greatly depending on what project I am assigned to.
  3. How the job relates to your major (describe how you will apply course work to the job or which course(s) helped you get this job).
    1. This job relates to my major because of how many of the projects Deloitte is working on are technical / related to MIS. The MIS coursework definitely helped me get throughout the interview process by giving me an understanding of different MIS topics.
  4. Once approved, the description is automatically displayed in a post on your e-portfolio.

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