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Business Analyst Intern

This past summer at I had the opportunity to work as a Business Analyst Intern at Siemens Healthineers, where I was working within the Digital Health Business Development team to refine and improve the business strategy and marketing for Siemens’ AI Pathway Companion product.  Throughout the summer I worked on three projects that were a part of this bigger project to add value to AI Pathway Companion.  First, I analyzed nationwide data for 4 diseases in Tableau and QlikSense to create visualizations of disease hotspots at the national, regional, and state level.  The goal being to use these visualizations to generate insights into which hospitals and regions Siemens should be focusing their sales teams towards.  Secondly, I performed market research into AI Pathway Companion’s main competitors.  I learned more about their parent companies, what their strengths and weaknesses were, and what reason they had to enter the clinical pathways market.  My final project was to create Financial Calculators quantifying three different aspects of the return on investment for hospitals purchasing AI Pathway Companion.  The three aspects I focused on were physician burnout, data centralization, and patient adherence.  This experience related to my MIS major because it allowed me to further develop the analytical skills that I had already started to develop in my MIS classes.  I also got to teach myself how to use QlikSense which is a tool that I had not previously used in any of my MIS courses before.  I was also very thankful for this experience because I got to learn so much about the healthcare industry and it definitely made me realize that I want to work in the Healthcare industry once I graduate.

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