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Career Objectives

Before graduation I plan to get a internship at a entertainment company. I would love to intern within the Legal Department. What I plan to get out of the internship is learning more about copyrights, patents, contract negotiating skills and also drafting contracts. These skills will prepare me for a entry level position.

After completion of my internship I will seek a entry level position. Possible entry level positions for me would be a contract specialist, proposal specialist, legal assistant, or analyst corporate researcher.

I will work for the company for years to build my experience and to understand my profession more. My goal is to one day own my own company. I will have the necessities to do so once I gain the experience I need.

I ultimately would like to land a position in the Legal Department of a entertainment company. Companies that I would love to land a job with are Viacom, Sony Pictures Entertainment, Tyler Perry Studios, The Walt Disney Company,  Atlantic Records, or NBC Universal.



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