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Thinkful Webinar | Becoming a UX/UI Designer Info Session

UX/UI Designer is a Thinkful course (web development course) Tech is a Bootcamp that
provides online education and which you would be mentored by a senior designer, a senior
developer or any other person with experience in the field.
UX/UI designers that take the course would be able to gain knowledge on how to make case
studies, add stuff into your portfolios for future job interviews. UX/UI design, it\\\’s based on the
interaction between people and theology.
UX works more in the field of analytical in how things look and are designed. On the other hand,
UI works in the interface design between software such as adobe or any design program.
UX/UI Design it’s a career field that it\\\’s growing dramatically, and it’s expected to keep
growing until 2050. According to, it\\\’s Ranking in the #4 most promising jobs
in the US and its year overgrowth its 86%.

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