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img_4423-pic-for-e-portofolioI have many interests and hobbies that I like to do while I am not working on my skills as a young MIS business professional. One of my greatest interests would be being outdoors and enjoying nature. I’ve been skiing since I was three years old and it is easily one of my favorite things to do. I recently picked up snowboarding too over the last couple of years. I’ve been mostly skiing in the Pocono’s my whole life while traveling to Vermont numerous times over the years, the picture on the right is when I was in Killington, Vermont last winter in 2016. I also traveled to the Rocky Mountains in Colorado and skied in some of the best mountains in the country including Vail and Breckenridge. In the future I really hope to travel to Canada and experience some beautiful skiing out there.

In addition to skiing and snowbaording, sports is a big part of my life. While in high school I played lacrosse all four years and played on the varsity team for three years. Lacrosse was a huge passion of mine and as I no longer play, it still remains a huge part of my life. Basketball is also a huge part of my life, and I continue to play on a intramural team during college.

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