Community Platform
  • Data analytics
  • Database management systems
  • JavaScript
  • jQuery
  • more...
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Spring 2021

Data and Analytics

Taking Data and Analytics taught me the role of data in companies, and explained how it is used, transferred, and condensed. This course showed me how to construct database schemas and relational databases. We learned how to pull data from databases using MySQL Workbench and MongoDB. We learned the importance of data, and how it can be used to create powerful images to display important information.

Web Application Development

This course taught intermediate uses of Javascript, HTML, and CSS. We learned the importance of HTML tags that would later be incorporated with CSS to make the appearance of a website more attractive. Javascript would later be used to add functionality to the website we constructed.  Web Application Development showed me the importance of creating efficient functions that can error trap entries, to create a more functional website.

Fall 2020

Digital Systems

This course taught the role of Information Systems in everyday business. Digital Systems showed students how businesses must rely on systems to function efficiently. An intro to JavaScript was taught in this course through Visual Studio Code. Students were also introduced to Salesforce, in which students would learn how to develop small applications and collect data efficiently.

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