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My Interests:

  • Tennis
    • I started playing tennis my sophomore year of high school and absolutely loved it! Though I was pretty new at the sport, I got pretty good at it, and ended up playing singles by my senior year!
  • Training my Dogs
    • I have three dogs: Princess, Chloe, and Ruby. They mean the world to me and I enjoy training them and teaching them new tricks! Princess is the oldest. She and Chloe are both Jack Russell Terriers, and Ruby is a Golden Retriever. Ruby is the baby of the family. We adopted her in February of 2020! She still has a lot to learn!
  • Working out
    • School can be very stressful and I recently found a new outlet to let a lot of my stress out. That is through working out. Though I just started two years ago, I still have a lot of progress to make and am excited about the journey!

      This is Princess!

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