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LinkedIn Course: Sleep is Your Superpower

The LinkedIn course, Sleep is Your Superpower, touched on the topic of sleep. Nancy Rothstein, the host of the course, dove into how important proper sleep is to the human body. She spoke about the bad effects of sleep deprevation which can lead to long term fatigue, weight-gain, and diabetes. Something that I found interesting was since your body is not accustomed to unstructered sleep cycles, your body will begin to eat at random times of the day. Nancy went on to include how your bedroom should be arranged for optimal sleep. For example, Nancy reccomeneded you leave most electronics outside of your bedroom. Your bedroom should make you feel calm and relaxed and should not be an entertainment studio. I feel that this course has made me more aware of how important sleep really is. I usually begin to lose sleep halfway through the semester and start feeling much more exhausted as the semester goes by. Now that I have watched this course, I feel that I will start planning my sleep in order to improve my every day life.

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