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Career Objectives

When considering my career objectives, I keep in mind that many of the hot jobs today barely existed five years ago. While I have no idea what my job title will be twenty or even ten years from now, I have carefully chosen my academic focuses at the Fox School of Business based on today’s changing business landscape.



  • Management Information Systems: In today’s business world, information technology must be used to gain a competitive advantage. Businesses that view IT as an expense rather than an enabler are doomed to extinction.
  • Business Analytics: We are living in a data economy, where businesses have more information than they know what do with. Whoever can turn that data into actionable insights will gain a competitive advantage.

In the future I could see myself going to graduate school for a quantitative skill such as Business Analytics or Data Science. As the son of a small business owner, I could also see my entrepreneurial spirit founding a technology startup company. At this point all I know about my future career is that it will involve my passions for technology and statistics.

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