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  • Accounting information systems (AIS)
  • Database management systems
  • Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)
  • Project management
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Career Objectives

There are so many possible career paths that I could take with an Accounting and MIS dual major, however, I have already discovered my passion for the consulting/analysis part of business.  I want to be able to investigate a problem, figure out a solution, implement it, and then see how my idea created changes within an organization; I want to make a difference.

My course load at Temple University directed me into this career path direction, but I have reassured that this path is a great fit for me with my summer internship at 3E Consulting Services. During this internship I worked with many companies in the manufacturing business and received a hands on consulting experience. I completed inventories, received goods, managed storerooms and much more. All of those tasks allowed me to understand exactly how one mistake in an ERP system, such as SAP, can cause severe problems throughout an entire business. I understand how safety stocks and lead times work. I know numerous SAP codes, such as MMBE, which is used to search for parts, MIGO, which is used to receive parts, ZLBL1, which is used to print labels, and MI01, MI21, MI04, MI20, and MI07 all of which are used to perform inventories. This repeat exposure to SAP has made me comfortable with the direction that my future career is headed.

I enjoy performing the jobs previously mentioned, however, after graduation, once I have my Accounting and MIS degree, I know I will be able to take on harder, more rewarding tasks. This future career path excites me because I know it is going give me the personal satisfaction I need in a career.

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