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Interests and Hobbies


My absolute favorite hobby is playing and being around the game of GOLF. Ever since I was able to hold a club, I’ve been playing this great sport. I grew up spending my summers at Torresdale-Frankford Country Club, playing as much golf as I possibly could. I began competing more seriously when I entered high school, playing on the varsity team all four years, and becoming the captain for my senior year. Playing on the Penn Charter Golf team in the Inter-Academic League was one of the highlights of my time in high school, and I will always remember great the times I had with my teammates, coaches, and competitors. Because of my involvement on the team, I was able to play some of the most elite golf courses in the surrounding Philadelphia area like Philadelphia Cricket Club, Huntingdon Valley Country Club, Waynesborough Country Club, and many others. This opportunity was something I never took for granted. However, being on the team had many more perks than just playing great golf courses, I also became closer with my teammates, and met a lot of really great people from our rival schools. Although we always wanted to compete, golf is a sport of integrity, tradition, and sportsmanship, and I felt that those principles were shown in each team and led to a healthy and competitive environment in the Inter-Academic League.


Torresdale-Frankford Country Club, 18th hole

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