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Future Plans and Career Aspirations

FUTURE PLANS:   I can not be certain, but pursuing more education upon graduating from the undergraduate program at Temple is an attractive notion for me. Acquiring a graduates degree in something related to insurance, risk management, or financial analysis and planning is a goal I hope to achieve. Education has become something I highly value, and I believe the benefits in the form of skills, knowledge, and experience I would receive from a graduates degree would  be a great advantage form me in the future. Pursuing more education would also allow for me to acquire internships in the different industries and segments that currently attract me. Below are some MBA programs that interest me regarding my current future goals, click the link to visit the programs website.


Fox School of Business:

Master of Science in Risk Management and Insurance

Professional Masters in Financial Analysis and Risk Management

CAREER ASPIRATIONS:   It is obviously not an easy task to specifically segment one career or even one industry at this point in my academic and professional career. I do see myself acquiring certain types of positions in the future given my majors, skills, and interests. At this point, a job that I feel would interest me is in Enterprise Risk Management (ERM), which includes a broader look at the risks faced by firms. As opposed to Traditional Risk Management, ERM is associated with the hazard, operational, financial, and strategic risks that firms today are exposed to. I believe that this type of work would best utilize the knowledge from my combination of a Risk Management and Finance major. However, industries or job fields that also interest me are Insurance, Financial Analysis and Investments, and Financial Planning. It is very early on in my professional development, and I am anticipating that my upcoming undergraduate courses will allow me to develop a better understanding of these careers, and which field and career path will lead to the most success and enjoyment.

risk management montage

finance risk

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