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foxmis240 An E-Portfolio is a required project for Information Systems in Organizations, a core class taken by all students in the Fox School of Business. The class is an introductory level course to the Management Information Systems Major; and enforces the reality that every business is now using technology to increase efficiency and profitability. Prompted by this reality, the MIS Department; along with the Fox Undergraduate department believe it is vitally important for an individual to have a strong and professional image portrayed on the web. With the increasing usage of social media tools such as Twitter, Facebook, and Myspace, which usually do not portray a professional image, these E-Portfolios will be used to better represent the students of the Fox School of Business. Many E-Portfolios created in this intro level course evolve well after a student graduates, adding new layers of work experience and academic achievements to strengthen the individuals image on the web. Some of these portfolios have already been utilized by employers as an important recruiting tool to make better decisions for their business.

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