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  • Data analytics
  • Sales force automation
  • Web design
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Interesting Facts Page

Be sure to delete these instructions before you submit and after you edit the items below.

Include the below items in your submission that lists interesting facts about you. You must include at least seven of the following items:

  • Movies I have watched over and over are Marriage Story, I Love You Phillip Norris and Moonlight
  • Favorite sports team is the Pittsburgh Steelers
  • TV shows I’m watching right now are Ozark, Grey’s Anatomy and Breaking Bad
  • Places I have lived are Florida, Philly and Pittsburgh
  • Apps I visit daily are Canvas, Instagram and Depop
  • Favorite things to do outside of school & work is hang out with my friends, go on picnics and enjoy nice weather
  • Coolest thing I’ve ever done was start a website design business

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