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Academic History

Alter Hall


I began at Temple University in the Fall of 2012 at the Fox School of Business & Management as an Accounting major. I have been on the Dean’s List since my first semester at FOX. Currently I have a cumulative GPA of 3.85. With out my strong dedicated work ethic achieving such high marks would not have been possible.

Last semester I began taking major courses, specifically Financial and Cost Accounting and excelled in both courses. This semester I am enrolled in Intermediate Accounting. I also am taking Finance, Risk Management and Management Information Systems courses.

Delving into all of the Accounting courses has only reinforced my love and interest for the subject. Intermediate Accounting is helping build a deeper understanding for the subject and how it relates to business in the real world. “Accounting is the language of business,” and I can attest to that. Having a foundation in Accounting as I am taking other business courses has really helped me see how everything works together and overlaps creating the big picture as to how a business runs.

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