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I love to cook and bake. Ever since I was little I would watch my older brother and parents cook. Even while at college I have kept up with my hobby, cooking often. I also use my baking skills to donate baked goods to the Student Professional Organizations I am a part of at FOX.

I grew up in a Polish household where I was always surrounded by home cooking and “secret family recipes.” My Babci (grandmother) taught me how to make homemade kielbasa and perogis as well as many other Polish staples. Cooking has always been a big part of my life, even now at college my mom and I call each other to exchange recipes. Being self taught is rewarding because it has taught me discipline and to keep trying even if something does not come out well the first time. There have been many deflated souffles and broken yolks, but practice makes perfect!


from left to right, top to bottom: salted caramel cheesecake with a sugar basket; mushroom miso and wide rice noodles; crème brûlée; nutella french toast stacks; eggs Benedict with lox; summer vegetable & goat cheese tarts; avocado queso fresco & sriracha; fish tacos with avocado mango salsa; melon & mint pasta salad; chocolate cheesecake with fresh fruit; teriyaki salmon with snow pea salad & rice; pollo con chile rojo; shrimp &snap pea stir fry; Mexican stuffed peppers; Guinness cupcakes with a red wine spiced frosting; Tennessee Bourbon burger; peanut butter chocolate ganache pie; blueberry mousse in chocolate cups.  

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