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My Interest in Music

HATThe summer prior to high school I became involved with the local music scene in my state. Since then I have not been able to stay away from the music scene. When I was 16 I got a job at the Heirloom Arts Theatre in Danbury, CT. At the venue, I had the opportunity to meet so many talented and inspiring people from all over the world. Bands from the UK and Australia had crossed our paths as well as bands and artists from all over North America.

The Heirloom allowed to me to learn the ins and outs of running a venue. It took an army some nights, but the welcoming atmosphere kept the crowds coming back. Every band that has ever walked through the door has brought its stories and passion with them. The bands, patrons and staff are what made working at the venue an unforgettable experience. When I home for a few days I am still lucky enough to be able to go back and work a show here and there.

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