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The Optimization of Influencer Marketing & Beyond

  1. Name of sponsoring organization

It was a Temple sponsored event

  1. Details of the activity (e.g., where, when)

It was designed to teach people how to become social media influencers and find viewers who share the same views as you. It had 3 guest speakers who had experience either helping others increase exposure or had first hand experience.

  1. What you learned

How powerful social media is for a company and how to attempt to increase my outreach to potential viewers and customers. Also, learning when and when not to collaborate with other influencers as their image could ultimately hurt my brand.

  1. How the activity relates to coursework or your career goals

It allows me to increase my IT exposure and make me more desirable to companies, and or help me with starting a successful company.

  1. Once approved, the description is automatically displayed in a post on your e-portfolio.

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