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For the past couple of summers, I have worked as a “Van Driver” for the City of Ocean City. Although my primary duty involves driving my coworkers to various spots throughout the island, it also encompasses other responsibilities. I would answer severe issues requiring de-escalation and compliance before the cops would be called to intervene. I would sometimes possess several thousands of dollars to either log into the city records or interchange at the bank. Lastly, my job would include supervising small groups of people and enforcing the cities’ rules within the beaches. 

This job had taught me soft skills as I was consistently required to talk to angry patrons or discuss with high ranking members within the city. I learned how to effectively keep calm under extreme situations and de-escalate before matters could potentially get violent. I have also gathered and maintained several connections within local politics.

I look forward to being another member that brings team cooperation and professionalism into any workplace. 

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