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Nestlé Purina Internship

Nestle PurinaLogo

This summer I interned for 12 weeks in the internal audit department of Nestlé Purina, specifically on IS/IT audits. Nestlé Purina is headquartered in St. Louis, MO.  This internship is a great opportunity for me to work in a fast paced and team oriented environment while simultaneously giving me exposure to the Purina culture and world of IT auditing.

My audit this summer is focused on the security of Nestlé Purina brand websites as well as Nestlé Canada Inc. brand websites. The audit consisted of 2 weeks of planning, 3 weeks of fieldwork for Purina, 3 weeks of fieldwork for Canada, and one week of wrap up. To perform the audit I create planning summaries, APG’s, work papers, etc. I executed various tests and assess the risks to determine the standing of the websites within the following three categories: change management, third party management, security. Within these categories I tested specific areas such as content change management, source code, third party digital agency agreements, security scans and many more. Depending on the area, testing would involve speaking to employees in pertaining roles and analyzing mass amounts of data.

After the 9 week audit ended, I was assigned to special projects.  One project was my ‘Intern Project’ in which I create user guides for employees to use in their planning phase for factory audits. Along with this, I will be creating an SAP guide outlining the various types of transactions that are necessary to go along with these factory audits. Additionally, I was assigned to some special projects to help better our “Data Cookbook” – a place in our shared drive where all necessary information, quick reference cards on SAP transactions and IDEA scripts, key contact information, etc. is stored. The purpose of this assignment was to  better the cookbook to help in the process of on-boarding new employees.

My internship has been very rewarding. I have had the opportunity to have calls and meet with high level Nestlé executives – including the CIO of Nestlé Global – and have greatly enjoyed what St. Louis has to offer as a truly amazing city.

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