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Assistant Manager

Cafe Soho (2019 – present)

I oversee store operations and manage the staff’s productivity by regularly communicating with the staff and encouraging high performance. I Keep tabs on about 35 to 40 kitchen and phone orders quickly coming in and out and ensuring food quality and safety is up to standards. I provide customer service and guaranteeing customer satisfaction by paying attention to customer’s needs and respectfully resolve customer complaints. I make sure the staffs teamwork is efficient and ensure the workflow is going smoothly by regularly checking in on employees and making sure they have completed their responsibilities. The experiences I have had from working as an assistant manager constantly improve my communication, problem solving, time-management, and leadership skills that will later benefit me in a professional environment in my future career. 

Crew Member

Dunkin’ Donuts (2017-2018)

Responsible for preparing quality food and drinks for the customers at their request. I welcomed customers, took orders, and provided any services that the customer needed. I also engaged and assisted new employees to learn the skills needed to better enhance the flow of the work environment. This job taught me basic skills involving teamwork and communication.

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