Temple University

Career Objectives

Forensic Accountant

When I graduated from college I plan on taking the Certified Public Accountants exam and I plan on acquiring a Certified Fraud Examiner certificate.   With these two certification, I will pursue a job in law enforcement.  I hope that I will be able to help stop as much company fraud and embezzlement.  I will be required to look through companies and individuals financial statements and reports in an effort to determine whether any wrong doing was occurring.  I can hopefully stop companies and individuals from harming ordinary citizens who are not as intelligent in the world of finance and accounting.   This job is both satisfying and rewarding because I will be able to take down corrupt individuals and corporation and help to make it safer for people to trust others with their money.  I hope to work my way all the way up the ladder to the point where I am working for the FBI.  By working for the FBI I will be taking down some of the largest and most corrupt corporations found in America.

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