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IBIT Mentoring Program

  1. Title of the activity
    1. IBIT Mentoring Program
  2. Term of the activity
    1. Spring 2023
  3. Name of sponsoring organization
    1. IBIT
  4. Details of the activity (e.g., where, when)
    1. Two meetings, one through teams and one over the phone.
  5. What you learned
    1. I learned a lot about what it really means to be an executive and how things work all the way at the top vs the bottom. I got to ask a ton of questions related to managing a large amount of people, creating good workplace relationships, motivating a team, and advocating for yourself. My mentor and I went into deep discussion about where the industry is heading, what to avoid early on in your, and how to know when to stay versus leave a company. We had some pretty great discussion over AI and how it will change the IT world, and the workforce. Overall, I learned a lot, from things on the individual level all the way to managing an IT force of over a thousand employees.
  6. How the activity relates to coursework or your career goals
    1. This activity helped me really to start considering what I really want out of IT, what sector I want to choose, and what the best steps are for me to really start ahead in my career. It gave me a lot of new perspective that I will apply in my career.

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