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Temple’s MIS program has taught me a lot of skills through the coursework that will help me with my career in the future. Some of my favorite courses I’ve taken were Data Analytics and Digital Solutions Studio. In Data Analytics we were taught how to create and operate database systems. We also learned how to utilize data mining and use visualization tools. During this course, I gained skills in MySQL and R. In Digital Solutions Studio we were given the task to create a prototype and present our final solution to our client, SoundMind. I really enjoyed this class because we went through the steps an actual Business Analyst would go through. We gathered requirements through interviews with the client, brained stormed with my team to figure out what the best solution was. We used a non-functional prototype program “JustInMind” to present to the client at the end of the semester and they were very happy with our work. This course taught me all the steps on how business make a solution to their problems. I’ve also taken programming courses that have taught me how to develop web-based applications using various programming languages such as HTML, CSS, PHP, and JAVA. Even though I’m more interested in the business side of IS, I believe this course gave me the technical ability to solve problems and communicate effectively throughout any sector of business.

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