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Work Experience

Work Experience:

Haddon Tree Company:

Working for The Haddon Tree Company, a tree removal service, I enhanced my ability to work well as an individual and in a team environment. As a manual laborer, I had to work in a team so we could finish each job safely and efficiently. From 7:00 am to 6:00 pm every day, my crew cut down as many as ten trees. The climber cuts down the tree, the supervisor watches over the job site to make sure everyone is doing his or her job safely, and the grounds people do everything else. As a grounds person, I had many important functions at each job site. I picked up logs once the climber dropped them, then placed them into the wood chipper. If the log was too heavy, I asked another grounds person to help me. I also had to communicate with other crewmembers to watch out when the climber was about to drop a log by saying, “heady” or “watch your head”. This means I also had to pay attention to what everyone else was doing to make sure everything was safe. Once we completed the job, I cleaned up the debris from the tree by either raking or blowing it into a pile to throw in a trashcan. By working together, we were more efficient. By working hard individually, I set an example for others on my team. I can use my experience to help any business team work efficiently together.

Tavistock Country Club:

I developed my communication skills working as a kitchen utility staff member at Tavistock Country Club. I worked in a variety of positions such as a dishwasher and food prepper. These two positions forced me to communicate with everyone in the kitchen from the head chef to the waiters. I usually prepped food before the dinner rush. In the morning, I was assigned a list of items to prep each day such as; cutting vegetables for soup, weighing out meat for burgers and making kebobs for banquets. Working with two other food preppers, it was important to communicate what foods we were currently prepping also what we finished prepping for the day so we would not prep too much of one item. At night, I worked as a dishwasher. I had to wash all the pots and pans once the chef was finished with them, and then give them back to chefs when needed. The chefs and I had to communicate, when they were finished with their pot and pans and when they needed them back. This caused me to listen very carefully while I was completing tasks on my own. I will use my communication skills to assist my co-workers in any business to ensure what tasks are and needed to be completed.



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