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When I am not at school or working, something that I love to do is volunteer at my local fire company. I have been a firefighter at Oakmont Fire Company for over 5 years now. It has been one of the greatest experiences of my life. Being a volunteer firefighter in general is an amazing experience, being able to help others and to know that you are helping your community is a great feeling to have. Helping others is one benefit of being a volunteer, but it also has helped me with many other things in my life. It has given me skills that I can use through out life like communication skills and interpersonal skills.


Another hobby of mine is working with computers. I have been working with computers since I was a little kid when my mom bought our first computer and I have not looked back since. I like working with Linux  the most, because you are able to customize it to however you like and you are able to learn so much from just getting hands on with the programs and the command line. Crunchbang Linux is my Linux of choice, it is based off of Debian.




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