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MIS Badge

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AWS Academy Cloud Foundations

My name is Jaylon, I have completed AWS academy modules (Cloud Foundations) and successfully received my badge during MIS 3406. By completing the AWS academy modules I was able to build, deploy, and manage websites on AWS’s secure network. By completing these modules, I’ve also learned several cloud infrastructure and network jargon including terms such as availability zones, instances and elastic cloud compute. After completing the modules, I can create instances on my virtual machine in the cloud to access a remote desktop. I can create several security groups to assist my instances both public and private. I can also create my own APIs that communicate with other APIs and have them all function under one webpage. AWS academy modules are something I recommend completing as you take MIS 3406 in order to get the most out of and better understand the in-class activities, being that they walk you through different AWS services and help you distinguish one from another to achieve your goal.

AWS Academy Graduate - AWS Academy Cloud Foundations badge image. Learning. Issued by Amazon Web Services Training and Certification

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