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Interests and Hobbies

Making Videos

I love making videos. I started making videos in high school for my Chinese class.  The video assignment was to make a video that covers the chapters that we were learning at the time. I fell in love with directing and editing videos since then. Also because of my videos, my Chinese teacher was able to win a grant for the language department along with laptops and a flat screen TV for the school. I find that directing and editing videos to be enjoyable and satisfying because I can write up a story on paper than transfer it into a real life short movie. The idea that I can slow down people running or make them walk faster to repeating someone falling over and over again is just too fascinating to me.




I enjoy spending my days in nature from backpackingIMG_0599 to canoeing. I find it very relaxing getting away from the city life to live in the woods and rivers for a few weeks away from technology and work. The cold misty air in the morning to the beautiful combinations of oranges, red, and purples when the sun set on the horizon of the blue sparkling river, these are the experiences you can only get from nature. Every time I go camping it clears my mind off of problematic situation back in the city and gives me time to time to think things through more clearly.  Whenever I come back home from camping I always come back as new person.  Let’s say that the nature recharges my life’s battery.

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