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Personal Interests


Ever since I was young, I have always thought that it is best to be well rounded. With that being said my interests vary a lot. But I would say that my core interests are traveling, entertaining, and creating. My mother was a flight attendant most of my life so I have been able to travel all over the world. It is always interesting and fun to go somewhere different and new or just somewhere that isn’t where you always are. As far as entertaining, I love to sing, dance, act, and model. I have been performing since I was three years old and there is nothing I love more than to be on stage. I also like to produce shows and events. Creating something new is always fun for me. I try to surround myself with intelligent and productive people and we are always bouncing ideas off each other and putting various enterprises together. In contrast, I often find myself helping people figure out how to make something happen or how to make something they like doing profitable.

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