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Personal Interests

When I’m not submerged in my studies, I use my time very productively. Growing up I’ve always had a love for poetry, so at the age of seven I started writing my own poems. I liked writing them so much that all of my questions in school were poetry related. As I matured, I grew a love for music and started writing songs and raps. Still to this day, writing music and poetry is one of my favorite ways to utilize my down time.

Also at a young age, I was presented with some barbering clippers from my father who simply said “see what you can do with these”. So I did. I used my brothers and friends as my test subjects, and to my surprise I was actually good at it. Over the years I practiced on anyone who would let me, and I even made a few dollars along the way. I still cut hair today, and I plan to obtain my barber’s license. I really enjoy cutting and styling, not to mention, the additional income is a plus.

I also have a love for food! I cook just about any chance I have, and I try to prepare a different dish each time. I don’t actually know where and when I learned how to cook. All I know is that I love to cook and I love to eat. Coincidentally, I also enjoy exercising, which is great being as I eat so much.

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