Temple Fox MIS

Career Interests & Aspirations

Since High School, I’ve always had an interest in Business & computer technology.  I came up during a time when an apple was something that you ate and a mouse was something that you tried to get rid of! And then all of a sudden, The Apple computer became more popular.  A debate started forming whether to buy an Apple computer or an I.B.M. computer.  Windows was in the distant future.  These computers had 5 1/2 floppy disk drives that held more memory than anyone would ever need!  I became interested in these computers and have grown with the change from DOS being the Boss to Windows making computers more user friendly.

Business became my major in High School and I landed a job at the Philadelphia National Bank where I was able to fulfill both of my passions; Business and Technology.  I worked there until my dream job of a police officer came along.  There were many assignments that I’ve had that allowed me to use business and technology which I find very rewarding.  Now that retirement is quickly approaching, I’ve decided to come back to school, major in MIS at the Fox School of Business and pursue a second career where I can continue to follow my passion of Business and Technology!

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