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Interests and Hobbies

Through my history in the Boy Scouts of America I have been introduced to many new hobbies and activities. I still very much enjoy camping and going for hikes and I went to Philmont and hiked a 72 mile trek in 12 days through the Boy Scouts as well. The BSA was also what interested me in the Army and was one of the reasons I joined. From fourth grade through high school I played percussion in the band and was a member of the Downingtown High School Blue and Gold Marching Band. I also enjoy learning languages on my own and I currently proficient in German and have a basic level of Norwegian. One of my other passions is traveling and experiencing other cultures. As of now I have traveled to twelve other countries in five of the seven continents. Computer programming is a minor I am planning on acquiring due to my experience of it through my multiple classes in high school, so currently I am learning that as well. My biggest interest is what I learn from MedEd-Link though. Through them I have become much more fluent in many programs as well as learn about database management. Due to this incredibly professional environment I understand so much more than I could learn in a classroom environment and that is why I enjoy it so much.

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