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Traveling:  One of my favorite things to do is travel.  My fiance and I have a mission that at least once each year we take the time toDSCN5418 visit a country we have not traveled to before.  Together we have been to some beautiful places, eaten local traditional food, and had once in a life time experiences.  Although some of the places we have traveled to we would like to see again, we feel there is so much that we have not seen and would rather explore the unknown.







Volunteering:  Being a member of a local grass roots church community has allowed me the opportunities to serve my neighbors.  Several times a year I volunteer to help with service projects that my church puts together.  Most recently our church served a home cooked meal at the AstraZeneca Hope Lodge in Philadelphia.  As a team we came together to cook a nice dinner and share in conversation with those that have been battling cancer.


Spending Time With my Family:  Family is a big part of my life and although our family is not big we are tight knit group.  Almost once a week we all join in a family DSCN3944meal, talk about our weeks, play some games, and enjoy each others company.  I treasure the time I get to spend with my family and hope to see this tradition continue when I have my own family one day.







Helping Others With Their Style:  Being involved in fashion most of my life has given me the opportunities to help others understand what to wear for any occasion.  It started when I helped my fiance learn how to dress better for his job.  After some time he has become so fashion forward that he is even helping his co workers.  Having an understanding that what people wear conveys a message about them, especially in a work setting is something I concentrate on when working with others.  I enjoy helping others learn what to wear, add a little personal flair, and increase their confidence in their daily lives.



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