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Increase visibility & accelerate response to threats with DLP Incident Response


This IT live Webinar spoked by Tim Boswell, Sr Product Manager, ServiceNow & Pete Kartje, Outbound Product Manager, ServiceNow and about a new start up app called ServiceNow’s DLP Incident Response app that enables you to manage and protect sensitive, proprietary information. By implementing DLP Incident Response measures, organizations aim to increase visibility into potential threats and expedite their response to minimize the impact of security incidents.  I learn that some of the way to prevent DLP incidents are Automation of Response Actions, Forensic Analysis Capabilities, Employee Training and Awareness and Integration with SIEM Solutions.  Tim Boswell goes on to show how they integrating with third-party DLP solutions for a unified view of incidents, monitoring and assigning incidents to the appropriate end user – Tracking DLP incident, false positive, and remediation trends. This sparks my interest because I would like to get into cybersecurity because cybersecurity can help  incidents, including ransomware attacks and financial fraud, which can result in significant financial losses for individuals and organizations.


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