MBA Candidate 2015, Temple University

My trip to India

TaJAs part of Temple’s Global MBA program, our cohort participates in two global immersions throughout the two-year program. This past January, half of the class traveled to China and the other half traveled to India. I went to India and cannot be more grateful for the experience. We traveled to Mumbai, Bangalore and New Delhi. The goal of the immersions is for us to see how different types of organizations, innovation, society, etc. affect business overseas. We visited a media company, a hospital, a few NGOs, an IT consulting firm, a school and many more. Each corporate visit was powerful in its own right. We got to see first-hand how business is done and what it takes to be successful in India, which can differ greatly than how business and success is defined in America.

During our travels, we also got to experience the culture and sightsee. For me, trying the local Indian cuisine was an adventure in and of itself! Indian food offers some incredibly unique and delicious tastes, which we certainly do not get here in the States. My favorite dishes were curry chicken, tikki masala and, of course, the naan. We saw the Taj Mahal (breathtaking), visited a couple old forts, took rickshaw rides through (very) crowded markets and streets, and participated in Indian dance. It was an amazing trip and one that I will remember, and cherish, forever.

Each student was asked to blog during their trip to either India or China. Below is the link to my personal blog, which includes more details on the companies we met with, the sites, and the cuisine as well as the link to the blog homepage where you can read my classmates’ blogs. Enjoy!

My India Blog

Blog Homepage


A few photos from our trip:


IMG_3523tali  IMG_3793


IMG_3752 IMG_3676


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