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MIS 2101-

  • I learned how to analyze and create processes through diagrams like Entity-Relationship Diagrams (ERD), Swim Lane Diagrams, and Conceptual Architecture Diagrams. As I continue to go through this course I hope to learn more about what goes on behind the scenes in a business and how as an MIS major I can help a business.

RMI 2101-

  • In this Risk Management Insurance course, I learned how to identify and evaluate various sources of risk, then select and implement solutions to control these risks through insurance and other mechanisms of risk transfer and distribution.

BA 3102-

  • In business siding and I learned a lot of ethical obligations of corporations and their employee to a wide variety of societal stakeholders. I was exposed to a broader engine rather go to llamas that can arise in the business world and are offered the tools and talk the skills to respond to such dilemmas.

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