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Hobbies and personal interests

I have been involved in athletics all my life. Basketball starts it off. I have been playing since I can remember. I have played in summer leagues, on travel teams, and school teams. Unfortunately, I tore my ACL last year playing pick up ball at Temple and won’t be back on the court until the end of summer.

I picked up Golf when I was in 8th grade and truly fell in love with it. It taught me maturity and anger management. I played for all 4 years in high school and still play all the time for fun. It truly is a gentlemen’s sport. At first, I couldn’t even watch Golf on t.v. Now, I don’t miss a major tournament and watch a good majority of the minors. It is a life time sport and I am glad I picked it up at such a young age.

Other than athletics, I have a pretty simple but satisfying life. I live a fulfilling social life and have some of the best friends in the world; many I met in kindergarten. I wouldn’t trade it for anything else in the world. From playing poker at nights, to going to the movies, or placing crazy bets on rounds of Golf, we live the life.

I love traveling and seeing the world but unfortunately, I do not have the money or the time to go too far. Going to different beaches with my family has always been a blessing but I am looking forward to my future of seeing different places. I am easily enthused and will try just about anything.

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